(Română) Nunta in pandemie – interviu cu Cristina Toma
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Read moreWe have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
We have a capacity of up to 600 people and customizable packages, with delicious products and special aesthetics. In addition, we offer impeccable services, our openness and experience to turn any fantasy you might have for the most beautiful day of your life into reality.
18 ani de experiență în organizarea de evenimente, 800+ evenimente private și corporate organizate cu succes, 100% clienți mulțumiti. Reteța succesului evenimentelor mele: dedicare, concentrare maxima, plus o echipă excelentă.
contact usSorry, this entry is only available in Romanian.
Read more(Română) Noua sala de petreceri – ideala pentru evenimente mai restranse – Design elegant si adaptabilitate perfecta in noua sala de evenimente Terra Events Hall.
Read moreThe new brand campaign “Beautiful as I am, beautiful as we are” launch event. Enjoy!
Read moreSalata de icre de crap cu tartar de masline pe pat de paine prajita
Millefeuille de sunca si salata de cruditati
Triada din carne
Salata de vinete pe discuri de rosie si rucola
Gondola de cartof cu crema de hrean si pastrami de vita
Trio de masline pe frigaruie si rosie cherry
Mix de branzeturi romanesti
File de salau acompaniat cu orez, sos lemon butter si lamaie
Frigaruie de pui si muschiulet de porc servite cu cartofi la cuptor, sos de boabe de mustar si salata de varza / verde
Tort duo mousse de ciocolata cu fructe de padure
Tort cu vanilie si mousse de fructe de padure
Tort cu ness
Tort cu ciocolata neagra si mousse de fructe de padure
Tort regal de ciocolata
Tort cu iaurt si capsuni
Tort cu menta
Whisky Ballantines
Vodka Tazovsky
Gin Beefeater
Vermouth Cinzano
Vin alb - Feteasca Regala, Crama Halewood Wines
Vin rosu - Feteasca Neagra, Crama Halewood Wines
Gama de racoritoare Coca-Cola
Sucuri naturale
Apa tonica
Apa plata / minerala 0.75 l
Selectie de ceaiuri
* se pot realiza cocktailuri pe baza bauturile incluse in pachet
Exclusivitate sala
Event planner
Degustarea meniului
Decor de sala inclus: scaune chiavari aurii, fete de masa ivoire, servet auriu
Aranjament central compus din 3 cilindri si lumanari plutitoare
Print-uri meniu si numar de masa, afisaj electronic cu lista invitatilor, cutie dar
Covor rosu intrare
Mese de cocktail
Camera miri
Parcare proprie
Iluminare arhitecturala exterior
Tartina de icre de crap
Millefeuille de sunca si salata de cruditati
Triada din carne
Salata de vinete pe discuri de rosie si rucola
Gondola de cartof cu crema de hrean si pastrami de vita
Trio de masline pe frigaruie
Mix de branzeturi
File de salau acompaniat cu orez, sos lemon si lamaie
Sarmalute traditionale servite cu mamaliga prajita, ardei iute si
Frigarui de pui si muschi de porc la jar servite cu cartofi cu rozmarin, sos de mustar si salata
Tort duo mousse de ciocolata cu fructe de padure
Tort cu vanilla
Tort pink chocolate
Tort cu ness
Tort menta
Tort ciocolata si nuca
Tort ciocolata alba, iaurt si capsuni (in sezon)
Whisky Ballantines
Vodka Tazovsky
Gin Beefeater
Vermouth Cinzano
Vin alb – Riesling Italian, Crama Recas
Vin rosu – Cabernet Sauvignon, Crama Recas
Gama de racoritoare Coca – Cola
Sucuri naturale
Apa tonica
Apa plata/ minerala 0,75l
Selectie de ceaiuri
* se pot realiza cocktailuri pe baza bauturile incluse in pachet
Exclusivitate sala
Event planner
Degustarea meniului
Parcare proprie
Welcome drink
Pachet decor: scaune chiavari aurii, fata de masa ivoire, servet
Aranjament central mese invitati si prezidiu
Camera pusa la dispozitia mirilor
Afisaj electronic lista invitatilor si schita spatiului
Print-uri meniu si numar de masa
Cutie dar
Pahare miri
Covor rosu intrare
Zona exterioara fumatori
Iluminare arhitecturala
Aer conditionat si ventilatie Samsung
WIFI de mare viteza
Medalion caprese cu pesto proaspat de busuioc si rucola – 1 buc
Mini tarte cu pate de ficat si ceapa caramelizata - 2 buc
Choux cu salata de icre - 2 buc
Rulou de somon afumat cu crema fina de branza - 2 buc
Rulada de curcan cu spanac si mozzarela servita cu piure de cartofi cu sfecla si sos de vin alb
Tort festiv
Quiche Lorraine – 1 buc
Mini tarta cu humus si tabouleh - 2 buc
Ecler cu salata de ton - 2 buc
Rulada cu ciuperci si cascaval - 2 buc
File de somon la cuptor servit cu spanac si legume caramelizate si sos de lamaie
Tort festiv
Rafaello de branza - 2 buc
Crochete de pui - 2 buc
Bruschette cu legume la tigaie - 1 buc
Canapele cu pate de ficatei de pui cu cornichon - 2 buc
Crispy toast cu ton si lime - 2 buc
Salata americana cu orez, sunca si porumb – 100 g
Frigarui cu pulpite de pui marinate – 2 buc
Fish fingers cu sos tartar – 2 buc
Cartofi wedges cu mustar – 120 g
Salata de varza cu marar – 50 g
Selectie de mini prajituri - 2 buc
Frigarui caprese cu rosii cherry si bocconcini - 2 buc
Bulete de cascaval – 2 buc
Mini tarta umplute cu zacusca - 1 buc
Canapele cu crema de branza de capra si smochine - 2 buc
Crispy toast cu salata de icre - 2 buc
Salata de cruditati cu pui – 100 g
Crispy chicken – 2 buc
Chiftelute cu sos picant de rosii – 2 buc
Sarmalute in foi de varza cu smantana – 2 buc
Mamaliguta / Cartofi la cuptor cu rozmarin – 160 g
Salata de varza alba si rosie cu morcovi – 50 g
Selectie de mini prajituri - 2 buc
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